Nutritious Nutmeg Facts

Nutritious Nutmeg Facts

The nutmeg belongs to the Myristicaceae family of average to big trees. Nutmeg fruit is just about the scope of an apricot. When it has fully ripened the outside of it splits open and reveals an elongated shaped kernel, this is the nutmeg spice. The seed inside is wrapped in a crimson-red thread which is known as “mace”. It is organic as so there is no reason for any chemicals. This being since the volcanic soil if very fertile, it allows for three crops every year. Nutmeg is also known for its aromatic and aphrodisiac abilities.


A nutmeg tree will harvest up to three times in a single season.

• When the nutmeg is harvested, its outside coat is removed and thrown away. Underneath the coat is a golden aril or “mace”.
• Next the nutmeg is then dried under the sun for many days or even weeks. This is usually accomplished faster with a hot air machine.
• After it is dried and rattles in its shell the shell is then cut open and the nutmeg is taken out.
• Nuts are dipped in a lime water solution to prevent insect infestation and germination.

Health Aids of Nutmeg

New claims for the wonder nut included that it could cure the common cold, flatulence and erectile dysfunction! This was a great advance against another remedy of that time which was, chewing on a roasted wolf’s penis before intercourse.

• The elements in nutmeg is soothing and has stimulant properties on the brain. Also rich in B-complex vitamins. These include the vitamin C, riboflavin, vitamin A and folic acid.
• Has plant derived chemical compounds that were known for containing antioxidants and disease thwarting capabilities.
• Nutmeg is a pleasant aromatic; it is a seed kernel of the fruit-nutmeg.
• Nutmeg is a high prized spice which is known for its aroma, passionate abilities and healing properties.

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Nutmeg used for Medicinal Purposes

Since early times, the nutmeg and its oils, were used in Indian and Chinese medicines for nervous and digestive issues.

• Nutmeg is used for a large number of medicines for instance, it has an oil the contains eugenol, this is main used for toothache relief.
• The oil of a nutmeg can be used for a kneading which could result in significate decrease in muscle pain and rheumatic body pain.
• It also contains active principles. Such as having a therapeutic application for example, anti-fungal, digestive and anti-depressant.
• It also includes an excellent source of potassium, copper, manganese, zinc, iron and calcium.
• The nut contains an oil that gives a sweet-smelling fragrant flavor to nutmeg like, muristicin, eugenol and elemicin. This changed when the Elizabethan doctors begin to recommend it for curing the bubonic plague.


Storing and Selecting Nutmeg

At most stores, anyone can buy a nutmeg kernel that has already been milled down into a fine powder. You should always opt to buy whole kernel instead. If you buy what is already in powder it could be contaminated with a different value of nutmeg. You will need to pick out a pack that has been sealed properly from a reputable company, who also has expiration dates on the package.
When you are finally home from buying the nutmeg kernels then you store the kernels in an airtight container. Always place your nutmeg in a dark, dry and cool place. There it can be kept safely for many months.

Kitchen Uses for Nutmeg

In the 17th century, the nutmeg was, kilo for kilo, it’s worth was much more than gold! It was used to preserved food and used as just a spice on meals. The mace and the actual nutmeg is currently being used is many soups, sauces and in sweets. The aromatic mace is specially used for coloring and flavoring in pies, donuts and cakes. The mace possesses a gentle flavor and gives a color orange-yellow coloring to foods. Usually kernels that are dried completely are milled right before being added for cooking.

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Where is Nutmeg from?

Nutmeg is from the Myristicaceae family of average to big trees. These trees are native to the Indonesian Moluccas Islands, mainly one by the name of Run, these islands are also known as the Spice Islands. Run’s nutmeg is in high demand. For the inhabitants of Run, there is no running water, no internet and they only have electricity for four hours a day! With the villages built on cliff side, there are not any cars on Run Island. Walking is the only way the villagers are able to get around. Seas are the only way to transport nutmeg from Run this is a tough job to do when the seas are only stable for about three months out of the entire year!

Safely Consuming Nutmeg

Nutmeg does have some negatives though. Please consume safely.

• With large consumptions of it, it will cause lack of awareness, palpitations, body pain, sweating and in some severe cases, hallucinations and delirium.
• It can be used during pregnancy and lactation in extremely small doses.

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