10 Simple Tricks to Staying Fit and Healthy

10 Simple Tricks to Staying Fit and Healthy

Who says getting fit has to be full of strict rules? Well, even though we do not want to be open with it, yes it is. The authoritarian rules of dieting, the pain of not eating your comfort, and the struggle of getting a great shape – you are not alone. No matter what our age are, we all come to a conclusion on searching for guidelines, formulas, and advices to stay fit and healthy.

Take it from Kim Kardashian, a reality television personality who said that, “If I don’t feel confident about my body, I’m not going to sit at home and feel sorry for myself and not do something about it. It’s all about taking action and not being lazy. So you do the work, whether it’s fitness or whatever. It’s about getting up, motivating yourself and just doing it.”

These top simple tricks from Paul Watson, a personal trainer instructor in Dubai, will help you motivate to stay fit and healthy.

1. Eat Well

Good nutrition is an important part of having a healthy lifestyle. Around 80 percent of any fitness goal depends on our diet, be it weight loss, muscular development, or training for an event as studies have shown. One of the best ways is to have a good balance of what we are eating such as carbohydrates, fresh protein, and healthy fats that will surely give us the energy to aid our fitness challenge and show results quickly. Preferably, eat three meals and two snacks a day to keep your metabolism burring at a constant rate.

In addition, when buying for ingredients, check the labels for the content of carbohydrate, proteins, and fats. For natural and non- starchy products that is not genetically enhanced should have a 45 percent carbohydrates. For low fat cuts of meat and fish, nuts, soy beans, and pulses should have a 30 percent of protein. And lastly, 25 percent of fats such as avocado and oily fish.

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2. Keep Hydrated

Hydration is important because the body is comprised mostly of water. A minimum for any adult should drink two liters a day of water a day. But if you really want to be specific, this simple formula will help you:

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Body weight KG x 0.03 = Minimum daily water intake

Though many is still underestimating the importance of water in our body, let us always remember that there are a lot of benefits from drinking water such as healthier skin, healthier teeth and bones, healthier joints, healthier mind and body, and healthier digestive system.

3. Regular Exercise

Doing exercise improves your overall healthy living. This is much like maintaining a car that you need to use every day just to keep moving. If you want a healthy body then it needs to be maintained through regular exercise. Working out three to four times a week is a good start. You just have to stick to it, you will be able to notice the increased in energy and your body will begin to adapt to it.

4. Adding Variety to an Exercise Routine

Adding some variation to your exercise routine may be the best way to keep you motivated in working out. Doing the same thing over and over again may sound monotonous.

“One of the main reasons people stop exercising is that they get bored,” Spain said. “Variety is good for other reasons, too. You should do cardiorespiratory exercises one day and then strength training and flexibility the next and then alternate days,” said Christine Spain, Director of Research, planning and special projects for the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports.

Incorporating different styles of exercise will help you to enjoy yourself as well as seeing results in your skill development and health.

5. Professional Advice

Asking advices from health and fitness professionals makes a good impression. Because seeking advices can give you contentment and will open doors you never knew existed. You can also read through blogs, Facebook pages, and Tweets to pick up some free tips.

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6. New Skills

Whatever stage we are, learning new skills can eventually improve our ways of living as well as gaining knowledge that will improve our mental being. But you cannot learn new skills when you do not have the willingness to learn. Sharing your stories about your exercise and some tips to your healthy lifestyle – this might be a bit of friendly competition, but at the end, you learned a lot.

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7. What, When, Why, and How

Your “self – talk” or asking yourself is very important because you can have control over your thoughts and actions which will eventually help you get things throughout.

WHAT – seek professional advice of what exercises to perform, you can find many good workouts online.
WHEN – pick a deadline of when you want to achieve your goal by, and stick to it.
WHY – choose a goal
HOW – create a plan, measure your progress with photos, body fat analysis and diameter measurements. Seek advice on the most efficient techniques and tips for that specific goal.

8. Balance

All of us feel like we have too many things to do and not enough time to do them. Same applies with balancing our cardiovascular and resistance exercise schedule. Take time to rest so that our bodies will have time to repair and develop.

9. Relaxing and Sleep

Life can get pretty full on sometimes, and when it does, it’s important that we know how to deal with it. Sleeping and relaxing plays an important role in making sure that we are functioning our best throughout the day. It also enables our mind to be mentally focus.

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10. Enjoyment

The most important thing is to enjoy what you are doing. Because if you do not have the feeling of enjoyment, it will certainly affects your lifestyle. Think of activities and try new ideas that you know you’ll enjoy. You don’t have to follow strict rules just to stay fit and healthy. Just enjoy what you are doing and you will reach your goal.

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