Tag: responsibility

A Cheap Small Homemade Solar Still

A Cheap Small Homemade Solar Still

With over 99 percent of the earths water, that covers roughly 70 percent of the earths surface, undrinkable. Water purification..

Preparing For The Potential Devastation Of Nuclear Fallout

Preparing For The Potential Devastation Of Nuclear Fallout

With the rising tensions between countries around the world, the possibility of a nuclear war is becoming more than just..

Why Autism and Agriculture Go Hand in Hand

Why Autism and Agriculture Go Hand in Hand

I stood up from where I had been weeding tomatoes and went for yet another unnecessary water break, a small..

Using Sustainable Choices to Rein in Debt

Using Sustainable Choices to Rein in Debt

Creating a sustainable lifestyle can be the key to financial freedom for many people. Take a look at your household’s current monthly budget. How many of your monthly expenses could be reduced by making consciously sustainable choices or embarking on your own homesteading adventure? Let’s examine 5 key ways to reduce your expenses with thoughtful, eco-conscious methods.

The Secret Under Your Feet: Soil

The Secret Under Your Feet: Soil

If you’re new to organic homesteading, you might have the romantic idea that since you are growing food the “natural”..