Category: Plant Life

Venus Fly Trap, A Counting Plant

Venus Fly Trap, A Counting Plant

Do plants have Brains? Neuroscientist Greg Gage utilizes complex equipment used to study the brain out of graduate-level labs and..

The Year Without A Summer – The Impact Of A Changing Climate

The Year Without A Summer – The Impact Of A Changing Climate

The eruption of Indonesia’s Mount Tambora in April 1815 significantly altered the surrounding climate stretch. This interesting climatic phenomenon came..

The Secret Under Your Feet: Soil

The Secret Under Your Feet: Soil

If you’re new to organic homesteading, you might have the romantic idea that since you are growing food the “natural”..

Suzanne Simard: How Trees Talk to Each Other

Suzanne Simard: How Trees Talk to Each Other

“A forest is much more than what you see,” says ecologist Suzanne Simard. Her 30 years of research in Canadian..

Vermicomposting: Get Rich From Having Worms

Vermicomposting: Get Rich From Having Worms

Nearly one-third of our food ends up in the trash can, even while we as a community do try to..