Author: Larissa Marulli

Plastic Recycling – Open Source

Plastic Recycling – Open Source

Recycling is arguably the simplest effort a human can make to achieve a cleaner and more sustainable world. Most trash..

The Magnificent Peach

The Magnificent Peach

Summertime not only brings along warm weather, more sun, and an all-around relaxing time, Mother Nature is kind enough to..

Sustainable Gardening

Sustainable Gardening

Winter is over and as most of the country will soon dig themselves out of the months-long cold, it is..

How Green is Your Reusable Grocery Bag?

How Green is Your Reusable Grocery Bag?

We all end up going to grocery store more often than we like. It can be a tedious experience (especially..

Cars and Their Environmental Toxins

Cars and Their Environmental Toxins

Chances are you were in a car today. If you live anywhere but an urban area, you probably drive a..